About GNAP
15 - 20 artists from around the world participate in a Global Nomadic Art Project (GNAP). They work together in outdoor nature art workshops, create indoor nature art exhibitions and publish documentaries of their work.
Expect ideas that are inspired by the different natural environments. The group stays in each country for 2 - 3 weeks and works outdoors in the various natural environments. During the Nature Art workshops, the artists of each country show their individual artistic approach to nature.
Nature Art Stories
GNAP Germany 2021

GNAP Public Events
Sun 29.8.2021, 15:00 Artists report on environmentally friendly art and lay mandalas together with visitors
Wen 1.9.2021, 20:00 Wednesday Forum with short lectures by the participating artists
Wen 8.9.2021, 20:00 Wednesday Forum with short lectures by the participating artists
Sat 11.9.2021 15:00 Vernissage Nature Art Stories
with photo and film documentation of all 14 GNAP workshops
11.9. - 8.10.2019 Mon - Thu 9:00 - 15:00 and Fri 9:00 - 14:00 Exhibition duration Nature Art Stories
Nature Art Fieldworks
GNAP Germany 2019

The 25 nomad artists
had a full program. The 14 workshops took them to changing locations in the region, including the Hofgut Oberfeld and the Kranichstein hunting lodge in Darmstadt, the Messel Mine, Lichtenberg Castle and the Kühkopf Nature Reserve in the surrounding area.
Urban Nature Art
GNAP Germany 2017

The topic of GNAP Germany 2017 was Urban Nature Art
in the region in and around Darmstadt, the Odenwald and Frankfurt. The rich geological and historical environment of the UNESCO Geopark Bergstraße-Odenwald offers places in the mountains, on the Rhine, in rock formations such as the Felsenmeer, the basalt at the Otzberg or the dune in Babenhausen. Then there are the urban natural places in Darmstadt like the Waldkunstpfad, the Oberfeld, the Mathildenhöhe or the Osthang and many more.